On 3rd of January 2009,
Louis Pang held a workshop here in Kuching.. Some of u might know who he is & im sure most of u dont know who is this guy.. He's the most prestigous wedding photographer & my idol too. He won few award from the
WPPI( wedding & potrait photographers international) and he is the 1st Malaysian ever win the 1st place in that compettition... U can visit
here to view some of the winning shots or his
blog.. Im sure u guys out there will loves his shot.. WOW.. he's damn good man. Im looking forward for the next workshop conduct by him.. Damn i cant wait... So all photographers out there, dont ever missed the change to go for his workshop.. I guarantee u will not regret after attending his workshop.. So here are some candid shots taken during the day...
this is Louis.. with his Mac n Nikon D3(my dream gear)..
fuyooo.. great gadget man...
jus listen & follow what he say.. he's a great photographer
here are some of the technique that i've learn..
btw, model very co-operative. Sharon is her name...
another shot of Sharon. this time we call it shot with available & accent light..
wanna know what is accent light?? then go for Louis Pang workshop..
Sifu on action.. he's good in composing his shot.. wish i can be like him next time..(ofcoz i can :-p )
very impress with the result..wow.. u guys should see the result.. hope i can get a copy of that shot(will ask the copy from Sharon..hope she dont mind)
never know how does this shot look like right.. jus wait till i get a copy of it..
aha..this shot taken by me..
shoting at night will available & a video light.. my shot not as good as louis lah..
this is one of my favourite shot.. jus using available light...
and i really like it..

actually there's alot i want to share, but enough lah for this time. Want to know more.. so go for his workshop.. then u will know what u get from there.. u will never had enough of Louis Pang...
Great photo, i love it very much. Hope to join Lois Pang Workshop in Kota Kinabalu this June'09